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Germany responds to Russian threats, explains US arms deployment

Germany responds to Russian threats, explains US arms deployment Photo: Steffen Hebestreit (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The US decision to deploy long- and medium-range missiles in Germany is aimed at deterring Russia's aggression, and its threats in this regard are not new, according to federal government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit.

According to him, Germany has taken into account the latest threats from the Kremlin and comments from Dmitry Peskov, spokesperson for Russian President Vladimir Putin. However, there is nothing new in their statements.

"Peskov hasn't said anything new, as their position is well-known: Russia's military-political leadership has long targeted European capitals," said Hebestreit.

At the same time, he emphasized that such statements should always be taken seriously. Currently, discussions about disarmament initiatives with Russia are not feasible because "Russia is behaving much more aggressively towards its neighbors than before."

He also noted that the US decision to deploy long-range weapons in Germany by 2026 is directly linked to the changed security situation. Several years ago, Russia withdrew from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF).

"Therefore, security experts agree on the need for a non-nuclear deterrent component in Central Europe, including Germany," Hebestreit said.

He revealed that Berlin is in talks with the UK, France, Italy, and other countries regarding the development of weapons. While Europe develops its own weapons, which takes time, the US has decided to deploy some of its systems from 2026 onwards. According to him, the German government welcomes this decision.

Earlier, RBC-Ukraine reported that as early as next year, the United States will begin deploying long-range strike systems in Germany, including hypersonic weapons. NATO has already developed a defense plan in case of a possible Russian attack, but the military bloc still aims to strengthen its capabilities.