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German Prime Minister of Saxony calls to cut aid to Ukraine

German Prime Minister of Saxony calls to cut aid to Ukraine Michael Kretschmer, Prime Minister of German Saxony (
Author: Maria Kholina

Saxon Prime Minister Michael Kretschmer has called for a reduction in military aid to Ukraine, arguing that Germany has reached the limits of its capabilities, citing Zeit.

"We can no longer continue to allocate funds for weapons to Ukraine, only for these weapons to be exhausted and yield no results. Everything must be done in moderation," he said.

Kretschmer emphasized that while supporting Ukraine is important, Germany must recognize its limitations.

When asked whether his position is an attempt to save money by stopping arms deliveries, the politician replied that he had opposed military supplies and advocated for a diplomatic resolution from the very beginning of the conflict.

"For the past two years, I have had a very clear opinion on this matter, and I regret to say that much of it has been confirmed," Kretschmer said.

In his opinion, the war in Ukraine will not be resolved on the battlefield but at the negotiating table.

Kretschmer's statements have sparked mixed reactions. Last year, he proposed discussing a possible ceasefire between Russia and Ukraine, which included Ukraine temporarily relinquishing some of its territories, a suggestion that caused outrage in Kyiv.

Germany's support for Ukraine

At a recent European Political Community summit in the United Kingdom, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy urged international partners to bolster Ukraine's air defense and to allow the use of Western weapons to strike Russian territory.

However, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz rejected the idea of lifting restrictions on strikes against Russia using Western weapons and did not support the call to shoot down Russian missiles and drones over Ukraine.

Nevertheless, Germany does not support a ceasefire that could lead to Ukraine's capitulation.