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German Foreign Minister criticizes Scholz's party for reducing support for Ukraine

German Foreign Minister criticizes Scholz's party for reducing support for Ukraine German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (photo: Getty Images)

German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has criticized the Social Democrats of Brandenburg for weakening aid to Ukraine. The politician addressed her criticism to the Prime Minister of Brandenburg Dietmar Woidke, reports Welt.

According to Baerbock, Woidke has weakened the SPD's position on the issue of assistance to Ukraine.

“Suddenly, I hear the incredulous question: does the SPD, from which the prime minister comes, really answer questions about military support with an uncertain, neutral answer?” Baerbock said.

She also added that she herself had previously relied on Woidke's words that his solidarity with Ukraine would remain unshakable.

The foreign minister noted that she was “a little worried about her chancellor” and joked that if he could not vote for his fellow party member Woidke because he refused to run, he would have only one choice - to vote for the Greens.

Baerbock herself is one of the leaders of the Green Party.

On September 22, Brandenburg will hold elections to the local parliament.

According to preliminary forecasts, it is possible that the right-wing radicals, who have the support of up to 24%, may win the majority. In the days leading up to the election, all parties are holding congresses of their party branches and meeting with local voters.