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Georgian Prime Minister hopes for better relations with EU after end of war in Ukraine

Georgian Prime Minister hopes for better relations with EU after end of war in Ukraine Photo: Irakli Kobakhidze, Prime Minister of Georgia (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The pro-Russian Prime Minister of Georgia, Irakli Kobakhidze, has seen a connection between the improvement of his country's relations with the European Union and the end of Russia's war against Ukraine, according to his statement following the summit of the European Political Community in Britain.

He said that during the summit he held talks with the head of EU diplomacy, Josep Borrell, and the President of the European Council, Charles Michel. They discussed Georgia's relations with the EU and other issues.

According to him, as soon as the situation in the region “changes globally and calms down,” the attitude toward Georgia will change significantly.

“We really hope that in a maximum of a year the war in Ukraine will end, the situation in the region will calm down, and this will positively influence the political situation in our region and attitudes towards Georgia,” Kobakhidze added.

What preceded it

Earlier, Georgia adopted a scandalous analog of the Russian law on foreign agents. The pro-Russian Georgian Dream party, which has a majority in parliament, did so despite massive protests against the decision.

The European Union sharply criticized such actions. In particular, EU Ambassador to Georgia Pawel Gerczynski said that the country's accession process to the bloc had been suspended.

Also, in early June, the United States imposed sanctions on Georgia for passing the scandalous law. They include visa restrictions for dozens of Georgian citizens.