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Gap between Harris and Trump in polls halves - Reuters

Gap between Harris and Trump in polls halves - Reuters Photo: US presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris (Getty Images)

US Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris continues to lead her opponent Donald Trump in the polls. However, the gap between them has narrowed, according to the results of a Reuters and Ipsos poll.

According to the poll results, Harris leads Trump by 3 percentage points — 46% to 43%.

In a previous poll conducted from September 20 to 23, Trump was trailing Harris by 6 percentage points.

The new survey shows Trump is seen as the better candidate on a range of economic issues.

Respondents believe that economic matters are the most pressing issue in the US. Around 44% said Trump has a better approach to addressing the "cost of living" problem, compared to 38% who chose Harris.

Among the various economic issues the next president will need to tackle, about 70% of respondents consider the "cost of living" the most important. Only a small portion prioritized the labor market, taxes, or improving personal financial conditions.

Trump received more support than Harris on each of these issues. However, 42% of voters believe Harris is the best candidate to address the wealth gap between the rich and the middle class, while only 35% favored Trump on this issue.

What preceded

It is worth noting that the US presidential election is set to take place in November. The main candidates are Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Recent polls indicate that the gap between them is narrow, making it difficult to predict the winner.

For more details on the candidates' ratings, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.