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G7 states to agree on security guarantees for Ukraine today - White House

G7 states to agree on security guarantees for Ukraine today - White House Today the G7 states will agree on the security guarantees for Ukraine Getty Images)

Today the G7 states will agree on the security guarantees for Ukraine within the framework of the Vilnius NATO summit, as lead White House advisor for European affairs Amanda Sloat states.

She said that the decision of the G7 will send a clear signal to Russia that "time is not on its side."

"It signals a joint long-term commitment to building a powerful defensive... force for Ukraine. This multilateral declaration will send a significant signal to Russia that time is not on its side," she said.

According to Sloat, US President Joe Biden and the G7 leaders will make a statement this afternoon regarding long-term commitments to Ukraine.

"Historical" guarantees for Ukraine

The British government announced that today the G7 partners will agree on a joint declaration on long-term security arrangements for Ukraine on the sidelines of the NATO summit.

All G7 members are expected to sign it today. Britain called the future guarantees "historic" and said they would be a big step towards ending the war.

"Following today’s Joint Declaration, partners will provide more defense equipment, increase and accelerate intelligence sharing, bolster support for cyber and hybrid threat defenses, expand training programs and military exercises, and develop Ukraine’s industrial base," the statement said.

Bloomberg notes that we are talking about individual security guarantees from the G7 states.

"Some of Ukraine's key allies, including the G7, will announce on Wednesday the start of individual negotiations with Ukraine to offer bilateral security commitments to strengthen Kyiv's defense capabilities and deter further Russian aggression," the media reports.

NATO summit in Vilnius

Yesterday, the summit of NATO states started in the capital of Lithuania, the key topic of which is Ukraine. The President Of Ukraine and First Lady are also present at the summit.

The allies adopted a joint communique, where, in particular, they set out their vision of Ukraine's path to the Alliance. Partners also supported Ukraine's accession to NATO without implementing the Membership Action Plan.

However, Zelenskyy criticized NATO for its uncertainty regarding Ukraine. The president emphasized that it is "unprecedented and absurd" when there is no time frame for both the invitation and Ukraine's membership.