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Frontline Update: Ukrainian troops move 700 meters ahead in Bakhmut direction, Russians suffer losses

Frontline Update: Ukrainian troops move 700 meters ahead in Bakhmut direction, Russians suffer losses Photo: Serhiі Cherevatyi (Facebook com)
Author: RBC Ukraine

Ukrainian troops have advanced from 250 to 700 meters in Bakhmut direction, inflicting losses on Russian aggressors, according to Serhiі Cherevatyi, spokesperson of the Eastern Group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Positional battles continue in the Bakhmut direction, with Ukrainian forces launching counterattacks wherever possible.

"On the flanks, we have advanced from 250 to 700 meters, pushing back the enemy and inflicting losses on them. We have eliminated 66 occupiers, wounded 83, and captured 3," Serhiі Cherevatyi stated.

Ukrainian forces also destroyed two enemy infantry fighting vehicles, two airborne combat vehicles, an armored personnel carrier (BTR), two self-propelled howitzers, "Nona," a D-30 howitzer, an anti-tank missile system, and a field depot with ammunition.

Russian occupiers have also attempted counterattacks but without success. Over the past day, three clashes have occurred in the Bakhmut direction. The enemy also shelled Ukrainian positions 249 times using various types of artillery and conducted two air raids.

Cherevatyi noted that Ukrainian fighters are striving to wage war creatively, using all available resources provided by partners and taking advantage of every mistake made by the enemy.

The situation on the Bakhmut front

Over the past few weeks, fighting operations have intensified on the Bakhmut front. Ukrainian troops are conducting successful counteroffensives on the flanks.

On June 9th, for instance, Ukrainian military forces could advance up to 1400 meters on different sections of the Bakhmut front.

While most of Bakhmut city is currently under occupation, the fight for control continues.

According to British intelligence, for every 48 centimeters gained, one of the Russian soldiers has been killed or wounded.