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France says NATO won't be able to respond to Russia's attack - Politico

France says NATO won't be able to respond to Russia's attack - Politico Illustrative photo: France believes that NATO will not be able to respond to a Russian attack (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

NATO understands that in the event of an attack from the east, the allies will face problems in deploying heavy equipment and troops due to "administrative red tape", stated French General Bertrand Toujouse.

In his opinion, moving equipment around Europe during the Cold War was much easier. Toujouse noted that if Russia launches an attack on NATO countries, other Europeans and Americans will have to move troops to the eastern flank as quickly as possible.

In practice, however, this is hampered by "lengthy and fragmented administrative processes" that are not adapted to the movement of equipment, infrastructure, and lack of transportation capabilities.

The general also recalled that in early 2022, Europe realized how difficult the process of moving equipment could be.

"We discovered the extent of the administrative red tape. There's a war in Ukraine, but customs officials explain that you don't have the right tonnage per axle and that your tanks aren't allowed to cross Germany," Toujouse said.

Russia's threat to NATO

After Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, NATO began to think about the threat it posed to the Alliance.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius stated that Russia could launch an attack on a NATO country as early as 2029.

Read more about Russia's possible plans for aggression against NATO in the material by RBC-Ukraine.