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Kremlin propagandists fabricate Ukrainian trace in Trump assassination attempt

Kremlin propagandists fabricate Ukrainian trace in Trump assassination attempt Photo: Donald Trump (Getty Images)

Kremlin propagandists immediately launched a fake story alleging Ukrainian intelligence involvement in the attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump, reports the Center for Countering Disinformation (CCD).

A so-called "Russian State Duma deputy" from the temporarily occupied Crimea, Sergey Tsekov, called on the US to consider the version of supposed Ukrainian intelligence involvement in the assassination attempt. He claimed that Ukraine could have organized it because Trump promised to stop the war.

"The goal of such groundless inserts of Russian propaganda is to discredit Ukraine and its leadership among Western audiences. Russian propagandists attempt to saturate social media and the information space with their fabrications," explained the CCD.

The Center emphasized that the identity of the suspect is already known and has no connection to Ukraine.

Assassination attempt on Trump

Former US President and presidential candidate Donald Trump was attacked during his speech in Pennsylvania. Another person present at the rally was killed. The shooter, identified as 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was neutralized.

World leaders, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, have already reacted to the incident. The last similar incident occurred over 40 years ago.

For more details on the political consequences of this event, read the RBC-Ukraine article.