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Former US marine wounded in the Russia-Ukraine war

Former US marine wounded in the Russia-Ukraine war Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

An American Marine, released from Russia as part of a prisoner exchange last year, was wounded in the war in Ukraine, according to the statement by the representative of the US State Department, Vedant Patel, cited by The Guardian.

Reed's story

Trevor Reed was injured a few weeks ago. This information was shared by an anonymous person familiar with the incident.

According to journalists' reports, Reed was released from custody last year as part of a prisoner exchange for a Russian pilot imprisoned in the US on drug-related charges.

In the summer of 2020, Trevor Reed was sentenced to 9 years in prison for assaulting police officers in Moscow. After a year, he was transferred from a detention center to a prison in Mordovia.

The fate of the marine

Vedant Patel informed that Reed was taken to Germany for medical treatment. He clarified that Reed was not acting on behalf of the US government.

The US State Department has strongly warned American citizens not to travel to Ukraine, especially to participate in armed activities.

In October of the previous year, a US citizen was killed in eastern Ukraine. It was also reported that another US citizen died in Ukraine, but their identity was kept confidential.

In July 2023, it was reported that a US Army veteran from Marshfield, Wisconsin, died in combat in Ukraine on February 16.