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Footage of prisoner exchange between Russia and West at Turkish airport emerges online

Footage of prisoner exchange between Russia and West at Turkish airport emerges online Photo: A prisoner exchange between Russia and the USA took place in the Turkish capital (Getty Images)

Today, a prisoner exchange took place in the Turkish capital between Russia and the USA with Germany. More than 20 prisoners from both sides participated in today's exchange, according to Russian media.

This evening, a video of the prisoner exchange at Ankara Airport was published online. The footage shows prisoners, released from Russian and Belarusian prisons and detention centers, boarding buses.

Later, a video also appeared showing the released prisoners boarding a plane before departing for Türkiye.

Prisoner exchange between Russia and western countries

Today, August 1, a significant prisoner exchange took place between Russia and Belarus on one side, and several Western countries on the other.

RBC-Ukraine provided a detailed account of the exchange in their article titled Russia and the West prepare prisoner exchange, likely largest since Cold War.

We also reported that media outlets revealed the names of those who were received and released by Russia in the exchange with the West.