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Fire engulfs former Wagner base in Krasnodar Krai

Fire engulfs former Wagner base in Krasnodar Krai Photo: the former base of the Wagner PMC is on fire in the Krasnodar Krai (illustration/Getty Images)

A fire broke out at the former Wagner PMC base in Krasnodar Krai. The site is located in the Molkino settlement, according to Meduza.

It is known that administrative buildings, including the former headquarters, are on fire at the base.

"The cause of the fire is unknown," the publication reports.

What is known about the Wagner base in Molkino

In July 2023, following Prigozhin's rebellion, the mercenaries announced that the base in Molkino had officially "ceased to exist."

After that, the base was transferred to the so-called "African Corps" of mercenaries — a unit made up of former Wagner fighters, now under the control of the Russian Ministry of Defence. They operate in Burkina Faso, Libya, Mali, the Central African Republic, and Niger.

Additionally, the хутір Molkino is located 40 km from Krasnodar. According to data from 2016, Russian media reported that three military units were stationed in Molkino:

  1. 1st Guards Missile Brigade (military unit 31853)
  2. 10th Separate Special Purpose Brigade of the GRU (military unit 51532)
  3. 243rd General Military Training Ground (military unit 55485)

At the beginning of 2015, before the Wagner mercenaries appeared in Molkino, the training ground was significantly upgraded, and new equipment was installed.

Strikes on ammunition depots in Russia

On the night of September 21, drones attacked another ammunition depot in the Tver region and an ammunition depot in Krasnodar Krai, Russia.

Specifically, an artillery ammunition base was attacked near Tikhoretsk in Krasnodar Krai, where the Russians had been storing North Korean shells.

For more details about the drone attacks in Russia on the night of September 21, read the article from RBC-Ukraine.