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Fire at Zaporizhzhia NPP stopped, Ukrainian Dnipro regional administration

Fire at Zaporizhzhia NPP stopped, Ukrainian Dnipro regional administration Photo: Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (Getty images)

The fire started by the Russian occupiers at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant has been stopped, according to Serhii Lysak, the head of the Dnipro Regional State Administration.

Lysak stated that radiation levels in the Nikopol district remain normal.

"We are keeping the situation under control," he noted.

Fire at ZNPP

On August 11, residents of Nikopol noticed a fire in one of the cooling towers of the Zaporizhzhia NPP on the occupied side of the former Kakhovka reservoir.

Yevhen Yevtushenko, the head of the Nikopol district military administration, mentioned that, according to unofficial information from sources on the opposite side, the fire was caused by Russians setting large quantities of car tires ablaze in the cooling tower. He emphasized that the nuclear plant continues to operate in normal mode.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy commented on the situation, stating, "Russian occupiers set a fire on the territory of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant." While radiation levels are currently normal, Zelenskyy stressed that the situation at the plant can't be considered safe as long as it remains under the illegal control of Russian terrorists, who are using it to blackmail Ukraine, Europe, and the world. "Ukraine is waiting for the reaction of the world and the International Atomic Energy Agency," he wrote.

The IAEA reported that its experts witnessed thick black smoke rising from the northern part of the Zaporizhzhia NPP following several explosions.

Energoatom suggested that the fire was likely caused by the Russian occupiers' negligence or deliberate arson. No exceedances of control levels for radioactive emissions or discharges have been recorded.