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Finland will be able to deport migrants who cross its border from Russia

Finland will be able to deport migrants who cross its border from Russia Illustrative photo: Finland has increased control over migrants (Getty Images)

The Parliament of Finland has supported a law allowing border guards to return migrants who cross the border with Russia.

What preceded:

There is an increase in the number of migrants at the border between Finland and Russia. This situation is creating tension in the relations between the two countries and raises concerns about security and border control.

Specifically, Finland has closed its border with Russia after a number of migrants crossed it and disappeared in an unknown direction. These migrants were reportedly from Somalia and Iraq. According to the media, the influx of migrants to Finland's borders was controlled by Russian forces. Specifically, structures similar to those organizing similar events on the borders of Poland and Belarus.

Reaction of the Finnish government

In May of this year, the government of the country proposed amendments to the legislation that would allow border guards to block the entry of migrants from the territory of Russia. The changes were approved on July 12, 2024.

The new bill will grant border services the authority to block border crossings from Russia and use force if necessary. However, this will not apply to children and people with disabilities, whose asylum applications Finland will continue to consider.

Confiscation of Russian property in Finland

Previously, Finnish Minister of Justice Leena Meri supported the idea of confiscating property from Russians. According to her, the government intends to simplify the process of confiscating apartments owned by Russians. This issue is expected to be resolved by mid-2024.

In June of this year, it was announced that Finland would amend its legislation to enable the confiscation of apartments from Russians who do not pay fees. Tomorrow, the president will sign the amendments to the law.