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Fierce fighting rages in Avdiivka, with maneuvers conducted in threatening directions

Fierce fighting rages in Avdiivka, with maneuvers conducted in threatening directions The Armed Forces of Ukraine have described the situation in Avdiivka and defensive actions (photo: Getty Images)

The Ukrainian Defense Forces continue to defend Avdiivka from Russian invaders and hold back the enemy's advance. Fierce fighting is ongoing within the city, according to the commander of the Tavria Operational Strategic Group, Oleksandr Tarnavskyi.

The situation in Avdiivka as of Thursday, February 15, at eleven in the evening, was described as complex but controlled by the officer.

"Fierce fighting is taking place within the city. Our troops are using all available forces and means to hold back the enemy," Tarnavskyi said.

He noted that according to the decision taken, there is a planned reinforcement of units and maneuvers by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in threatened directions.

"In addition, additional resources of ammunition and other means of attack have been allocated," the commander of the Tavria Operational Strategic Group said.

According to Tarnavskyi, new positions have been prepared, and powerful fortifications are being prepared considering all possible scenarios.

"The local commanders know their tasks and are carrying them out under the plan of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to stabilize the situation in this direction. Command of the troops is stable and effective," his statement said.

The officer also emphasized that the Defense Forces value every piece of Ukrainian land, but the highest value and priority for us is the preservation of the lives of Ukrainian soldiers.

"The Avdiivka defensive operation continues. Our soldiers continue to destroy the occupier's army and grind down the enemy's resources and reserves, which he throws into battle without hesitation," Tarnavskyi reported.

The battles for Avdiivka

Russian forces have been intensifying their attacks for several months in an attempt to occupy Avdiivka. They want to surround the city and then take control of it.

Ukrainian defenders continue to hold the defense and inflict huge losses on the occupiers.

Earlier, on February 15, it became known that the defense of Avdiivka was reinforced by the 3rd Separate Assault Brigade. The Armed Forces of Ukraine also reported that despite the ongoing street fighting in Avdiivka for several days, Ukrainian military personnel have ensured alternative supply routes to the city in case the enemy manages to cut off the main logistical route.

More details about the situation around the city can be found in the article by RBC-Ukraine.