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Fake denied: U.S. not allowed Ukraine to attack Russia with HIMARS

Fake denied: U.S. not allowed Ukraine to attack Russia with HIMARS Another Russian fake denied (photo: Getty Images)

There is information online that the United States allegedly allowed Ukraine to attack Russia with HIMARS, but this is fake, according to the Center for Strategic Communication and Information Security.

The Russian media, citing U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Bridget Brink, spread information that the United States allegedly allowed Ukraine to use HIMARS to strike Russia.

However, according to the center, Brink did not make such a statement - it was invented by propagandists from, who later published a refutation.

"To create the fake, they used the ambassador's quote from June 2022, when the United States provided Ukraine with a military assistance package that included ammunition for HIMARS," the center explained.

However, these missiles could hit targets at a distance of up to 70 kilometers, meaning that there was no question of any strikes on Russian territory.

Earlier, the Ukrainian Armed Forces denied the fake about the deaths of more than 100 soldiers in the Avdiivka direction.

We also reported that Russian propagandists are spreading information about the alleged "destruction of a bunker" where the Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was staying. This information is fake.