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F-16s will be in Ukraine within few weeks to strengthen air defense

F-16s will be in Ukraine within few weeks to strengthen air defense F-16 fighter jet (photo:

F-16 fighter jets are due to arrive in Ukraine in a few weeks. The first aircraft will serve to strengthen Ukraine's air defense, reports The Washington Post.

According to the newspaper, Ukrainian and Western officials warn that the planes, which Kyiv once touted as a decisive tool, are unlikely to change the situation on the battlefield.

The problem is that there will be too few fighters and too many Russian air defenses that can shoot them down.

This means that the first F-16s will most likely serve to strengthen Ukraine's air defense. In particular, the planes will shoot down missiles, drones, and enemy aircraft, rather than strike at Russian ground forces and other military targets near the front.

WP writes that the fighter jets are unlikely to fly too close to the front line at first, which means it is unclear whether they will be able to deter enemy aircraft crossing the Ukrainian border from Russian airspace.

Officials refused to say how many planes Ukraine will receive in 2024, but it will be no more than one squadron of about 20 aircraft. In addition, only six pilots are expected to graduate this summer, as the program has a limited number of places.

The newspaper added that protecting the F-16s on the ground will also be a challenge, as all of Ukraine's airfields are within range of Russian missiles. WP claims that Russia has recently struck several planes that remained on runways.

When will F-16s be used at the front?

According to Ukraine's ambassador to the United States, Oksana Markarova, the F-16s will be deployed on the battlefield this year. Currently, Ukrainian diplomacy in the United States is working to increase the number of pilots and staff training.

The effect of F-16s at the front will not be felt soon. The bottom line is that three to five squadrons of these aircraft are needed. Read more about the situation in RBC-Ukraine's article.