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Explosions at Russian Savasleyka airbase: NASA satellites detect fire

Explosions at Russian Savasleyka airbase: NASA satellites detect fire Illustrative photo (
Author: Maria Kholina

Explosions were heard overnight at the Savasleyka airbase in the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia. Satellites captured images of a fire at the airfield, citing monitoring groups.

Earlier, reports from Russia mentioned air attacks involving drones and the activation of air defense systems in the Nizhny Novgorod region.

NASA satellites recorded a fire at the Russian Savasleyka airbase at 3:30 AM. Preliminary information indicates that fuel and lubricant storage facilities are burning.

Eyewitnesses claim there were about 10 strikes on the base. According to preliminary information, the base may host MiG-31K aircraft, which are capable of carrying Kinzhal missiles.

Drone attacks in Russia

In the morning of August 14, several regions in Russia reported drone attacks.

In particular, reports mentioned the activation of air defense systems in response to drone attacks, explosions, and fires in Voronezh and its surrounding areas.

Additionally, authorities in the Kursk and Belgorod regions claimed to have repelled air attacks. Monitoring groups also reported drone strikes in the Oryol region.