Experts name top poducts linked to accelerated aging

A new study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has shown that certain foods not only contribute to weight gain and other health problems but may also lead to faster aging.
Which foods lead to body aging
Scientists found that people who consume more ultra-processed foods (UPF) show signs of accelerated biological aging compared to those who consume less. This was revealed by Italian researchers who analyzed data from 2,000 adults.
Ultra-processed foods include packaged snacks, sugary drinks, reconstituted meat products, and instant noodles.
These foods often contain many additives, artificial colorings, sweeteners, and preservatives, that are not found in your home kitchen.
Shockingly, statistics from 2023 show that about 57% of food consumed in places like the UK is classified as ultra-processed.
The study explains that participants whose diets included the highest share of such foods (more than 14% of their total diet) showed a biological aging acceleration of about four months compared to those who ate fewer of these foods.
Among the study participants, processed meats made up the largest portion of UPF consumption - 17.6%. This was followed by cakes and pastries (14.2%) and fruit drinks (10.9%).
Interestingly, participants who consumed more ultra-processed foods were generally younger, more educated, and lived in urban areas. They were also less physically active and had fewer chronic diseases at the time of the study. According to the researchers, this could be linked to their younger age.
Licia Iacoviello, director of the Epidemiology and Prevention Research Department at IRCCS Neuromed believes that this study encourages us to reconsider current dietary recommendations, which should also include warnings about limiting the consumption of ultra-processed foods in our daily diet.
Also, find out which 3 foods should never be reheated.
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