Everyone eats this every day: Сoach names harmful foods to avoid

People who follow a healthy diet are less likely to suffer from heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and even some types of cancer. However, there are common dietary mistakes that people make every day, according to Ukrainian trainer Yurii Popko.
Insufficient water intake
A common mistake is not drinking enough pure water while consuming excessive sugary drinks, juices, sweet teas, and coffee.
Although these beverages contain water, they should not replace the daily water intake, which should be around 30 ml per kilogram of body weight.
"Not to mention the empty and excessive calories from these drinks (as they are liquid food), which not only fail to satisfy hunger but also contain harmful simple carbohydrates, especially with a calorie surplus. Insulin spikes are not helpful," the message states.
Insufficient water intake can manifest as headaches, constipation, dry skin, joint pain, dry mouth, weakness, and rapid fatigue.
Since the body is 65-70% water, imbalances can disrupt metabolism.
While water is also obtained from soups, beverages, and fruits/vegetables, the primary source should be pure still water, not juices or sugary drinks.
Excess refined carbohydrates
Sweet pastries, cheap pasta, polished rice, flour, and sugar are all refined products.
Every time you consume these, the body receives a large amount of sugar (glucose). To lower this, the pancreas releases insulin. The more often the body releases insulin, the more we crave food. This can lead to overeating, insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.
Excess refined carbohydrates in the diet are a primary cause of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, nervous disorders, and depression.
The trainer emphasized the importance of not focusing on cleanses and detoxes but rather stopping the consumption of unhealthy foods.
There is nothing beneficial in crystalline white sugar, including cane sugar and honey.
The brain relies on glucose, which it obtains from all carbohydrate sources, not just sugar - such as grains, vegetables, fruits, and berries.
Fructose, as an alternative to sugar, is also problematic because it does not easily convert to glucose and can harm the liver if consumed in excess, particularly if more than 30 grams per day.
Additionally, trans fats, found in products like margarine, industrial cheap pastries, popcorn, fast food, and ice cream, are known to cause inflammation.
A healthy person does not need a diet, as they often have more drawbacks than benefits.
If you are healthy, you should consume all foods. However, if you have medical restrictions on certain foods, then only eliminate or reduce those specific items based on medical advice.
"You will never lose weight this way, and if you do manage to lose weight by some miracle, you won’t understand how it happened. I also guarantee you won’t know how to maintain that weight while staying healthy," the expert added.
Previously, we discussed the best times to consume carbohydrate-rich foods for weight loss.
Also, read about which foods can accelerate the development of cancer in young people.
This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.