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Foods that can accelerate cancer development in young people

Foods that can accelerate cancer development in young people Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Oncologists are raising serious concerns about a surprising increase in cancer diagnoses among young people. One of the causes being identified is the consumption of certain foods, according to the Daily Mail.

Cancer and food

A dietitian and health promotion manager at the World Cancer Research Fund advises people to reduce their intake of processed foods and products high in saturated fats, sugar, and salt.

This includes foods like cakes, cookies, pastries, chips, sugary drinks, and fast food such as pizza and burgers.

Currently, cancer is affecting younger individuals, with severe cases appearing as early as in their 30s.

In the past, cancer was often considered an illness of the elderly, but recent years have shown a trend of earlier diagnoses.

Why certain foods are harmful

There isn't a single culprit for this serious disease, but ultra-processed foods and processed meats have drawn significant attention.

Professor and oncologist Charles Swanton shared that studies indicate early-onset bowel cancer can sometimes be triggered by gut bacteria more common in those whose diets are low in fiber and high in sugar.

"What we are seeing in some studies is some tumors from patients with early-onset colorectal cancer harbour mutations that might be initiated by these microbial species," Swanton said.

These mutations are believed to reduce the body's ability to fight off precancerous cells.

Additional information

Ultra-processed foods include packaged goods, beverages, cereals, and ready-to-eat products containing colorings, emulsifiers, flavorings, and other additives. These foods are typically high in sugar, saturated fats, and salt, and lack vitamins and fiber.

These types of food are fiber-deficient and almost devoid of essential nutrients. They should be consumed only occasionally and in small amounts.

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