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Every military package delay has its negative consequences on frontline - Zelenskyy

Every military package delay has its negative consequences on frontline - Zelenskyy Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Getty Images)

It is important for Ukraine that military aid from our partners arrives on time. Every delay has its own negative consequences at the front, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Today, Zelenskyy met with a delegation of US congressmen. He emphasized that it is important to keep partners fully informed of Ukraine's needs and positions at all levels.

In addition, it is critically important that all states, and especially the United States, really quickly implement the agreements reached with Ukraine.

“This should be felt at the frontline. Every delay in military packages has its negative consequences at the front. Every really timely, fast delivery has a positive impact,” Zelenskyy said.

The President also added that he had informed the congressmen about the current situation and prospects.

Yesterday, Volodymyr Zelenskyy said during the XX Annual Meeting of Yalta European Strategy that Ukraine does not have enough missiles for air defense. According to him, where two missiles are needed, the military uses one.

"For example, how our air defense operators work: ideally, two missiles per target are needed, but they, as Ukrainians, might use just one, hoping it might be enough. This is a fact. But in this humor, there is a tragedy because there are not enough missiles. Simply not enough missiles,” the president said.