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Evan Gershkovich may be released from Russian prison as part of prisoner swap

Evan Gershkovich may be released from Russian prison as part of prisoner swap Photo: American journalist Evan Gershkovich (Getty Images)

Journalist Evan Gershkovich of the American media The Wall Street Journal is set to be released from imprisonment in the Russian Federation, informs Fox News.

It is noted that Gershkovich will return to the United States tomorrow.

Large prisoner swap

Recently, the Slovenian television channel N1 announced the preparation of a large prisoner swap between the United States, Germany, Russia, and Belarus.

One of the candidates for the exchange is American journalist Evan Gershkovich. Recently, a Russian court sentenced him to 16 years in prison for allegedly gathering information for US intelligence about a tank manufacturer in Yekaterinburg.

Additionally, several political prisoners have disappeared from Russian penal colonies and detention centers. Among them is opposition figure Ilya Yashin, who was sentenced to 8.5 years in a penal colony in December 2022.