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Evacuation in Kupiansk district: children will be forcibly taken away

Evacuation in Kupiansk district: children will be forcibly taken away Authorities explain why evacuations were announced in the Kupiansk district (Photo: Getty Images)

Mandatory evacuation in the liberated territories of the Kupiansk district, the Kharkiv region, was announced due to intensified shelling. According to Andriy Kanashevych, the head of the Kupiansk Military District Administration, it is not ruled out that children might be evacuated forcibly.

"We are currently carefully considering this question (evacuation of children). We are monitoring the situation's development. The likelihood that such a decision will be made is quite high," he stated.

According to him, in the areas where mandatory evacuation has been announced, there are about 11,500 to 12,000 people. Among them, just over 600 are children.

The official explained that over the past few weeks, there had been an escalation of shelling in the liberated territories of the Kupiansk district. Occupants are using heavy weaponry against the civilian population.

"Starting today, in Kupiansk in the morning, presumably, Peony (Russian 2S7 Peony self-propelled gun) fired. And it fired right in the middle of residential buildings where peaceful residents live. We are observing the use of weaponry by the more powerful enemy... There is a significant threat to the residents. That is why we consider it necessary (mandatory evacuation)," emphasized Kanashevych.

Evacuation in the Kharkiv region

It's worth noting that Kupiansk and the district were liberated by Ukrainian defenders last autumn. However, the occupants continue to shell the liberated territories almost daily.

Local authorities have announced mandatory evacuation in 37 populated areas of the Kupiansk district. This applies to liberated towns, villages, and areas near the combat zone.

Evacuation in Kupiansk district: children will be forcibly taken away

Evacuation was announced in the Kupiansk district (Photo: