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EU prepared 700 thousand shells for Ukraine out of promised one million - Borrell

EU prepared 700 thousand shells for Ukraine out of promised one million - Borrell Head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

The European Union has prepared 700,000 artillery shells for Ukraine out of the promised one million. Industrial production continues to gain momentum, according to the EU's chief diplomat, Josep Borrell, ahead of a meeting with the foreign ministers of EU countries.

"We are now at the level of approximately 700,000 155-mm shells. We are not yet at the target, but the West is increasing its capabilities," he said.

Borrell emphasized that the European Union's industry is still ramping up, so the production of ammunition is ongoing.

"I want to insist that we will support Ukraine, we foresee the possibility of targeting the territory of Russia," the diplomat added.

At the same time, Borrell stated that the European Union does not want to go to war with Russia but only to help Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression.

Borrell said that sending military instructors to Ukraine is not currently on the agenda. However, discussions are underway about creating a coordination center in Ukraine.

Additionally, the diplomat announced an increase in the number of Ukrainian soldiers being trained in the EU, intending to prepare 60,000 troops.

EU support for Ukraine

The European Union has welcomed thousands of Ukrainian refugees. The EU has imposed over 10 packages of sanctions against Russia for its invasion of Ukraine and provides financial and military assistance.

In light of the challenges with supplying shells, the EU's chief diplomat Josep Borrell proposed manufacturing one million artillery shells for Ukraine. The plan was for the EU to provide Ukraine with one million shells by March 2024, but deliveries are delayed.

Recently, the German Welt reported that for the first time, the EU will discuss the possibility of sending military instructors to Ukraine to train the Armed Forces of Ukraine on-site.