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EU imposes new sanctions against Iran and Russia: details

EU imposes new sanctions against Iran and Russia: details EU imposes new sanctions against Iran and Russia (

Today the European Union has introduced new sanctions against Russia and Iran due to the ongoing war in Ukraine, according to European Council's website.

Sanctions against Iran

"The Council today established a new framework for restrictive measures in view of Iran's military support of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine," the statement says.

This new regime prohibits the export from the European Union to Iran of components used in the construction and production of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). It also provides for travel restrictions and asset freeze measures that could be imposed against persons responsible for, supporting or involved in Iran’s UAV program.

"The Council today also decided to list six Iranian individuals under two already existing sanctions regimes for Iran’s military support to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine (drones)," the statement reads.

Sanctions against Russia

The EU has implemented sanctions against the commander of the 30th Motorized Rifle Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces for large-scale attacks on civilians. Furthermore, restrictive measures have been imposed on twelve other individuals and five organizations responsible for serious human rights violations in Russia.

These measures specifically target those who have abused facial recognition technology for mass arbitrary arrests in Russia, as well as those involved in politically motivated decisions against opposition politicians, democratic activists, and outspoken critics of the Kremlin, including Alexei Navalny and Vladimir Kara-Murza.

The list includes:

  1. Arkadiy Gostev, Director of the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision.
  2. Natalya Sergunina, Deputy Mayor of Moscow.
  3. Eduard Lysenko, Head of the Department of Information Technologies of Moscow.
  4. Moscow City Police Department officials.

The leadership of IK-6 in Vladimir Oblast, where Alexei Navalny is held, has also been sanctioned. This includes the prison's chief, Dmitry Nozhkin, and three of his deputies: Yuri Fomin, Danil Sinyukhin, and Anatoliy Gorshkov.

Kara-Murza case

The prominent Russian opposition figure Vladimir Kara-Murza has faced multiple criminal cases after the start of the full-scale Russian invasion. Despite being critical of Putin's regime, he chose not to leave Russia. In the spring of last year, he was detained on charges related to "fakes." Subsequently, he was implicated in two more criminal cases and accused of "state treason."

On April 17th, a Moscow court sentenced Kara-Murza to 25 years in prison on charges related to "fakes about the Russian army."