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EU finds way to avoid Hungarian veto on Ukraine decisions - Politico

EU finds way to avoid Hungarian veto on Ukraine decisions - Politico Photo: Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán (facebook com orbanviktor)

European leaders no longer consider Hungary's stance on Ukraine and do not expect its approval. The EU has found a loophole to bypass Budapest’s veto, Politico reports.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has consistently opposed any attempts to strengthen military aid to Ukraine or advance the country’s application for European Union membership.

The usual rules requiring all 27 EU countries to agree on a joint statement for it to be published on behalf of the European Council were broken. Instead, a text agreed upon by 26 nations was attached to other unanimously approved resolutions. Although Hungary opposed it, the statement was still issued as an official conclusion by the European Council.

"The statement on Ukraine today will be issued as an annex on behalf of the 26. his is the new normal. And it is useful when it comes to political intent. Maybe down the line, though, we will encounter other problems," an EU senior diplomat told the agency, confirming journalists' claims that "that tactic seems to be working."

Meanwhile, a high-ranking EU official added, "Hungary's objections are being priced in — and quickly ignored."

"After March 6, no one has any doubts that there is divergence with one member state. The objective should always be to have conclusions at 27 — if it’s not possible, if the strategic division is maintained, and we have all the indications that it is maintained, that we would move forward at 26," the official said.

According to EU sources, Orbán has chosen isolation and an illiberal democratic path, contradicting the EU's and Hungary's obvious interests.

"He was given many opportunities and rejected extended hands," said a second EU diplomat.

According to this diplomat, European security is too serious an issue to be negotiated with one person who sees things in a completely different way than everyone else.

"If he thinks he can do it better by going alone, I don't think many would try to stop him," the source added.

EU Summits in Brussels

EU leaders gathered for a summit in Brussels on March 20, where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also spoke. The key topics of the event were defense and support for Ukraine.

It was expected that Hungary would not support the European Council’s conclusions on Ukraine, as they "contradict Budapest’s position and interests."

For reference, another EU summit was held in Brussels on March 6, where 26 out of 27 EU leaders agreed on a declaration in support of Ukraine.