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EU Council approves new sanctions against hybrid threats from Russia

EU Council approves new sanctions against hybrid threats from Russia Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The EU Council has approved new frameworks for sanctions targeting Russia's destabilizing actions abroad. The measures will allow for the prosecution of individuals and organizations that undermine the security and sovereignty of the EU, according to the EU Council.

The new measures are aimed at countering hybrid threats, including interference in electoral processes, sabotage of critical infrastructure, the spread of disinformation, and cyberattacks.

The list of threats also includes manipulation of migration flows and other destabilizing activities, which have intensified recently within Europe.

These measures include asset freezes and bans on cooperation with EU citizens and companies. Additionally, individuals on the sanctions list will be prohibited from entering the territory of the European Union.

The decision was made based on a proposal by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell and is a response to Russia's growing hybrid operations in Europe.

New sanctions against Russia

Earlier, journalist Rikard Jozwiak reported that the European Union had decided to introduce a new thematic sanctions regime aimed at combating hybrid threats from Moscow.

On October 2, EU ambassadors approved a mechanism to counter Russia's hybrid threats. It is set to take effect this week.

At the end of June, the European Council strongly condemned all forms of hybrid activities that are escalating and targeting the EU, its member states, and partners. Additionally, the Council called for continued work within the EU Council to establish a new sanctions regime in response to hybrid threats.