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Estonian Intelligence identifies potential frontline area for increased Russian pressure

Estonian Intelligence identifies potential frontline area for increased Russian pressure Illustrative photo (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

The Russian Federation will continue to support the intensity of combat operations with the aim of capturing Avdiivka, and possibly increase pressure along the Kupiansk-Lyman line, according to the Intelligence Center of the Estonian Defense Forces.

Fighting in the Avdiivka area

"At a significant cost, the Russians have achieved some success in the Avdiivka area. The relatively dry weather has supported their offensive operations, allowing the use of heavy equipment in the rugged terrain and pathways for longer periods than usual," the report states.

Despite this, Ukrainian forces have put up organized resistance on an echeloned defensive line.

Mostly, Ukrainians held their positions using long-range precision weapons, drones, artillery, and minefields. Thanks to this, the Russian Armed Forces' losses in equipment can be compared to the losses of previous weeks.

Russia's objectives remain unchanged

Estonian intelligence reports that in the coming weeks, Russia is likely to continue to support the intensity of combat operations with the goal of capturing Avdiivka by year-end, despite the losses. Additionally, Russians may increase pressure along the Kupiansk-Lyman line.

"Russia's objectives have not changed. As in the case of Bakhmut, the Russians are trying to achieve a result that could be demonstrated as a significant success," notes the intelligence center.

By doing so, they could find justification for continuing aggression and the need for the complete takeover of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions to ensure a land corridor to Crimea. Simultaneously, the Russian Armed Forces aim to tie down Ukrainian forces to reduce pressure on other parts of the front.

Ukrainian Armed Forces conduct raids in Kherson region

The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to conduct raids in the Kherson region to establish new bridgeheads on the left bank of the Dnipro River. Low cloud cover and fogs favor Ukrainian forces during river crossings.

On their part, the Russian Armed Forces compensate for the weakness of their ground forces in this area by activating their aviation. Aircraft carrying planned bombings strike at troops that have crossed the river without entering the Ukrainian air defense zone.

Frontline situation

According to the General Staff's data on the morning of November 3, the Ukrainian Armed Forces continue defensive operations in the east and south and an offensive operation in the Melitopol and Bakhmut directions. There were 50 combat clashes in the past day.

In particular, the Ukrainian Armed Forces hold positions and continue offensive operations on the left bank of the Kherson region. Ukrainian forces also achieved success northeast of the railroad line near Klishchiivka.