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Estonia weighs pros and cons of possible Ukrainian advance on Kursk

Estonia weighs pros and cons of possible Ukrainian advance on Kursk Photo: Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur (Getty Images)

Further potential advancement of Ukrainian troops towards Kursk could have both advantages and disadvantages, particularly related to weaponry, states Estonian Defense Minister Hanno Pevkur on ERR.

He noted that he understands why Ukraine kept information about preparations for the Kursk operation secret.

"If you look at the course of the war, you have to understand that such operations depend on how long you can protect your information and not disclose it," said the minister.

He highlighted both the pros and cons of a possible advance by Ukrainian forces towards Kursk.

"If Ukraine moves further towards Kursk, the distances will be quite different. I would say this has both positive and negative aspects. Of course, the negative is that they cannot use this weaponry, but the positive is that it motivates Ukrainians to develop their own weapons and missiles," Pevkur said.

Kursk operation by Ukrainian forces

Since August 6, Ukrainian Defense Forces have been conducting an offensive operation in Kursk Oblast. Ukraine has managed to take control of dozens of settlements in the border areas of the Russian Federation.

Ukrainian command did not comment on the situation in Kursk Oblast for the first week. However, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Oleksandr Syrskyi, confirmed the operation.

During the combat operations, Ukrainian forces have succeeded in capturing hundreds of Russian soldiers. Recently, the SSU conducted the largest single capture of enemy troops, taking 102 Russians into custody, including members of the Kadyrov's Akhmat unit.

Further details on whether the Kursk breakthrough might prompt Russia to expedite prisoner exchanges can be found in the RBC-Ukraine article.