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Effective strategies for establishing personal boundaries within your family

Effective strategies for establishing personal boundaries within your family Illustrative photo (Photo: Freepik)
Author: Daria Shekina

Personal boundaries are an essential aspect of everyone's life because we need to understand our desires, what we require, and differentiate them from what is imposed upon us. It's important to know how to establish limits, even with our own family.

RBC-Ukraine reports on the topic of constructing personal boundaries within a family, according to the psychological support portal on Instagram, Klepka Mental.

How to set personal boundaries within the family

Quite often, we become captives of our relatives' desires. Unfortunately, not everyone understands how to communicate with others, and as one grows older, this becomes a real problem, escalating its proportions.

Yes, building healthy boundaries with family members, especially in dysfunctional families, is more challenging than, for example, with friends or colleagues. However, with determination and patience, this is a completely achievable and realistic goal.

Effective strategies for establishing personal boundaries within your familyHow to set personal boundaries within the family (Photo: Freepik)

Several steps to establish personal boundaries

  • Never interfere in the conflicts of other family members, and under no circumstances allow them to involve you in the argument and pick a side.
  • Learn to stop adult family members when they want to discuss topics with you that you are not ready for. This can be something personal or even intimate.
  • Determine safe topics for conversation. For example, movies, pleasant memories, hobbies, everyday matters. These minimize conflict levels but still allow communication to be maintained.
  • Remember that disagreement with other family members does not make you a bad person or child.
  • Always remember that manipulation through feelings of guilt, violence, or silence from relatives cannot harm you, as an adult, as much as it did when you were a child.
  • Master the good fence tactic. That is, treat your family well but have firmness in your intentions.
  • Give yourself the right to a comfortable distance. It's worth stepping back if interaction is detrimental to your mental health.

Earlier, we discussed 7 effective ways to strengthen self-esteem.

Also, read our material on how a woman undermines a man in a relationship.