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Eating hot bread isn't recommended: Warning for lovers of fresh baked goods

Eating hot bread isn't recommended: Warning for lovers of fresh baked goods RBC-Ukraine collage
Author: Maria Kholina

Have you ever wondered whether eating hot baked goods is harmful to your body, even if you really want to? Doctors assert that consuming warm bread is very dangerous and unhealthy for your health.

Why is it not advisable to eat freshly baked bread?

A freshly baked, warm loaf straight from the oven tempts you to break off a piece and taste it. The aroma of fresh bread stimulates appetite and activates stomach activity, making it hard to resist such temptation. However, doctors unanimously warn that eating warm, freshly baked bread is risky.

Doctors consider the consumption of hot bread dangerous for several reasons:

Digestive difficulties

Warm bread has a sticky texture, complicating its breakdown and absorption in the stomach. This can cause heaviness, bloating, or even disruptions in gastrointestinal function.

Increased acidity

Hot bread can stimulate excessive secretion of gastric juice, raising acidity levels and potentially leading to discomfort or even exacerbating gastritis or ulcers.

Gas formation

Newly baked bread continues fermentation processes, which can lead to increased gas production and bloating.

Risk of weight gain

Hot bread promotes a rapid rise in blood insulin levels, which can lead to a faster accumulation of fat deposits.

Best way to eat bread

It is recommended to wait a few hours for the bread to cool down. Ideally, you should eat yesterday's bread. Not only does it have a lesser impact on weight gain, but it is also easier for the stomach to digest.

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Photo: Freepik

Which bread is healthiest?

In most adults, the intestines are heavily contaminated. The immune system lacks the strength to neutralize as many bacteria as thrive in a polluted body. Fiber effectively removes them, cleansing the intestines. Moreover, it is essential for beneficial microorganisms that produce enzymes.

Whole wheat bread contains twice as much fiber as white bread, and rye bread contains five times more. Breads made with bran and whole grains are also rich in fiber.

Thus, it is easy to deduce that the healthiest option is rye bread, followed by products made from dark coarsely milled flour, which are rich in vitamins and biologically active substances. For heart patients, chloridic bread and bran bread without salt are beneficial. Diabetics can only consume bread with a reduced carbohydrate content—rye, protein-wheat, or protein-bran bread.