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Drones may have attacked Millerovo air base in Rostov region - Russian media

Drones may have attacked Millerovo air base in Rostov region - Russian media Photo: Millerovo airfield in Rostov region could have been attacked by drones (screenshot from video)

The Millerovo military air base in the Rostov region of Russia may have been attacked by drones. Satellites recorded a fire near the airfield, according to the Russian Telegram channel Astra.

Citing its own sources, Astra writes that the Millerovo airfield was attacked by more than 20 drones on the night of September 29. The Russians claim that all the drones were shot down. There is no information about the damage.

NASA's fire monitoring system records fires near the military air base.

Drones may have attacked Millerovo air base in Rostov region - Russian media

The Russian Ministry of Defense earlier said that 18 drones were shot down over the Rostov region overnight. According to the governor of the region, 13 of them were destroyed in the Millerovsky district.

The Millerovo military airfield in the Rostov region has been attacked several times before. The last attack took place in July 2024.

According to open sources, the 31st Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 1st Mixed Aviation Division of the Russian Aerospace Forces is based at this airfield.

Explosions in Russia

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that 125 drones were destroyed over Russia at night. A weapons depot could have been attacked in the Volgograd region. The head of the Center for Countering Disinformation at the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, Andriy Kovalenko, said that the arsenal was storing Iranian ballistics.

There are also reports of an attack on the Yeysk military airfield in the Krasnodar region of Russia.

A powerful forest fire broke out in the Rostov region after the attack, and the Russians could not extinguish it.