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Drone control and medical care: Ukrainian schoolchildren will get new skills

Drone control and medical care: Ukrainian schoolchildren will get new skills Ukrainian schoolchildren will be taught tactical medicine and drone control (Photo: Getty Images)

Ukraine will revise the curriculum of the school subject "Defense of Ukraine." Children will now start learning about mine safety, drone operation, and providing basic medical aid, as announced by the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine, Oksen Lisovyi.

According to the minister, a pilot project of the updated discipline "Defense of Ukraine" will be launched starting in September. This new curriculum will be taught to children in schools across different regions of the country.

"We have started working on updating the discipline 'Defense of Ukraine.' More practical, relevant knowledge and essential life skills. Both students and teachers have given feedback that the program needs to be updated, and the subject should be useful and interesting," he emphasized.

Lisovyi explained that now students will learn quality basic medical aid, mine safety, drone operation, and orienteering in the terrain. These are the skills that children aim to acquire.

Drone control and medical care: Ukrainian schoolchildren will get new skills

Ukrainian children will learn about mine risk at schools (Photo: Getty Images)

"From September, we plan to launch the pilot project of the updated discipline, implementing it in schools from various regions. Based on the feedback from teachers and students participating in the pilot, the discipline's program will be finalized," the minister stressed.

He added that for the pilot's success, training will also be conducted for teachers. For this purpose, international and community organizations with experience in adult education will be engaged. This includes specialists willing to teach teachers how to work with drone simulators, with expertise in topography, basic medical aid, and injury prevention.