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Drone attack on Kyiv: Air defense downs over dozen Shaheds, consequences clarified

Drone attack on Kyiv: Air defense downs over dozen Shaheds, consequences clarified Mobile firing group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Maria Kholina

Ukrainian air defense successfully intercepted more than a dozen Shahed-type attack drones launched by Russian forces targeting Kyiv overnight. Fortunately, no casualties were reported in the capital, according to Serhii Popko, head of Kyiv’s City Military Administration (KCMA).

Popko said that the drone attack was massive, with the air raid alert in the capital lasting over five hours.

Attack details

"Russian drones were launched toward Kyiv from the occupied Kherson region and Russia’s Kursk region just before midnight, around 11:00 PM," he informed.

The head of the KCMA also mentioned that the enemy's Shahed drones approached the capital in waves from different directions.

"Air defense forces destroyed over a dozen enemy strike drones (the exact number and type of drones will be disclosed by the Air Force)," the statement read.


The KCMA reported that debris from the kamikaze drones fell in three districts of the capital. Specifically:

  • In the Holosiivskyi district, debris landed in a residential area, damaging windows and doors in an apartment building.
  • In the Dniprovskyi district, debris also fell in a residential area but "without negative consequences."
  • In the Desnianskyi district, debris landed on a private household, causing a fire in a non-residential building that has since been extinguished.

"Overall, no casualties have been reported in Kyiv. Operational data is still being clarified," the official added.

Shahed drone attack

On the evening of August 28, Russian forces launched kamikaze drones to strike Ukrainian territory, triggering air raid alerts in several regions.

Around 2:00 AM, sirens sounded in Kyiv as Shahed drones approached the city, with air defenses activated in the region and on the outskirts of the capital. Explosions were later heard in the city, and further explosions were reported in the morning.

City officials confirmed that debris fell in three districts of Kyiv, with no casualties reported.