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Doctor reveals unexpected truth about watermelons

Doctor reveals unexpected truth about watermelons Illustrative photo (Freepik)
Author: Maria Kholina

Many people are hesitant to buy watermelons due to worries that they contain nitrates.

Pediatrician Daryna Vlasenko reveals the surprising truth about this fruit and all the concerns around it.

About nitrates and watermelons

"You may be surprised to learn that the vast majority of nitrates/nitrites come not from food but from endogenous sources within your own body," the doctor said.

In fact, your body produces more nitrites naturally than you could consume from food, with 70-90% of our overall exposure to nitrites coming from saliva.

It's important to understand that neither nitrates nor nitrites accumulate in the body.

Nitrates from food are converted into nitrites when they come into contact with saliva, and of the nitrates we ingest, 25% are turned into salivary nitrites, 20% are converted into nitrites, and the rest is excreted in urine within five hours of consumption.

Any absorbed nitrate has a very short half-life, disappearing from our blood in less than five minutes. Some nitrites in our stomach react with stomach contents to form nitric oxide, which can have numerous beneficial effects.

Quick guide to nitrate-containing foods

  • Dark green leafy vegetables (such as spinach, kale, and lettuce), beets, and celery are naturally rich in nitrates.
  • They also contain vitamin C and other antioxidants that inhibit reactions leading to harmful N-nitroso compounds.
  • Nitric oxide, formed from nitrites, has been shown to have vasodilatory properties and can modulate platelet function in the body, improving blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart attack.
  • Nitrates may also help strengthen the immune system and protect against pathogenic bacteria.
  • Diets including nitrate-rich vegetables are associated with lower rates of cancer, including stomach cancer.
  • Some short-term studies suggest that consuming vegetables high in nitrates (especially beets) can lower blood pressure, though other studies have not proven this benefit.
  • Organically grown vegetables may have lower levels of nitrates compared to non-organic ones, as synthetic nitrate fertilizers are not used.

The expert said that nitrate itself is relatively non-toxic, but its metabolites can cause various health effects.

How to check watermelon for nitrates

You can avoid poisoning by placing a piece of watermelon in a glass of room-temperature water. If the fruit is dangerous, the water will change color and it's best to get rid of such a watermelon.

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