Doctor reveals popular nutrition trend that causes severe health damage

Many people who go to gyms focus on consuming protein shakes to get a large amount of protein. A doctor called this trend unhealthy.
What is a protein powder
Protein powders are powdered forms of protein that come from plants (soybeans, peas, rice, potatoes), eggs, or milk.
Powders may contain other ingredients such as added sugars, artificial flavors, thickeners, vitamins and minerals. The amount of protein per scoop can range from 10 to 30 g. Supplements used for muscle building contain relatively more protein, while supplements used for weight loss contain less.
British epidemiologist Tim Spector said that the introduction of large amounts of protein into the diet is wrong.
"There is a huge marketing campaign that we don't have enough protein and we can't be healthy without additional protein bars. It's all thanks to big food companies and people who make money on this," the doctor said.
Spector added that people are not properly encouraged to eat healthy. In addition, people often do not adhere to the recommended norm, for example, when it is 50 g, most people consume twice as much.
Instead, the doctor said we should focus on fiber, as it is something that many people ignore.
On average, an adult consumes as much fiber as is recommended for a four-year-old child.
The only people who care about protein intake are bodybuilders.
"I think the key message here is that protein is not a problem, you should give preference to fiber and get all the protein you need from plants. If you take care of how you eat and eat a variety of foods, they will provide the right balance," the expert added.
Why are proteins harmful
In fact, many vegetables, legumes, and common foods in your kitchen cabinet are full of protein, and you don't have to use protein shakes and lean meats.
"Protein powders are also likely to fall into one of the largest prohibited categories - ultra-processed foods. If vitamins are added, and the product is low in fat and high in protein, it is likely to be ultra-processed food," the expert summarized.
Protein shakes for athletes have the following disadvantages:
- Protein-rich mixtures can cause digestive problems. Mostly in people who are lactose intolerant (milk sugar)
- Excessive protein can cause liver and kidney malfunctions. If you have any diseases of these organs, you should refuse to take protein shakes
- lack of trace elements necessary for our body in protein shakes. However, some manufacturers enrich the powder mixture with a certain set of vitamins and minerals
Earlier, we told you who categorically shouldn't eat crab sticks.
We also wrote about 5 drinks that contain all the necessary nutrients for the intestines.
Sources: The Mirror, Health.
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