Dignity and Freedom Day 2023: Important celebration story

The Day of Dignity and Freedom is celebrated in Ukraine on November 21, starting from 2014. This is an important day for all Ukrainians.
Wikipedia and the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance sites were used as sources.
History of the holiday
The holidays were established for the first time in 2014, according to the decree of the President of Ukraine No. 872/2014 dated November 13, 2014. This day was established "to preserve and convey to present and future generations information about the fateful events in Ukraine at the beginning of the 21st century, the affirmation of the ideals of freedom and democracy, as well as paying tribute to the patriotism and courage of citizens who in the fall of 2004 and in November 2013 - in February 2014, they stood up for the defense of democratic values, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, national interests of our state and its European choice."
On November 21, 2013, several hundred people came to Independence Square in Kyiv to express their protest against the government's decision, which threatened Ukraine with the loss of independence and crossed out its European future.
Simultaneously with the establishment of the Day of Dignity and Freedom by decree No. 871/2014, the President canceled the celebration of the Day of Unity and Freedom and restored the Day of Unity of Ukraine. In 2011, President Viktor Yanukovych canceled the celebration of the Day of the Unity of Ukraine and the Day of Freedom, introducing instead the Day of the Unity and Freedom of Ukraine.
On this day, with an interval of nine years, two fateful events for modern Ukraine began: the Orange Revolution of 2004 and the Revolution of Dignity in 2013.
Historically, Ukrainians went to protest actions precisely on the 20th of November. In addition, the Orange Revolution and the Revolution of Dignity began with dissatisfaction with Viktor Yanukovych's actions. Thus, in 2004, Ukrainians demanded repeat elections, and in 2013 to support European integration.
The Orange Revolution in Ukraine (photo: uinp.gov.ua)
Moreover, the first mass demonstrations against ex-president Viktor Yanukovych took place in November 2010. Then thousands of people gathered on the Tax Maidan against the Council's adoption of the draft Tax Code. Mass rallies began on November 16, but reached their greatest scale precisely on November 22, the anniversary of the Orange Revolution.
Euromaidan in Kyiv (uinp.gov.ua)