Dietitian's list of foods for healthy joints

The health of the musculoskeletal system depends not only on a person's physical activity but also on their diet. Some foods provide the body with nutrients that support joints and ensure strong bones.
What to eat to maintain healthy joints, according to dietitian Svitlana Fus.
Joint health depends on what factors
"Calcium is essential for healthy joints. If the body lacks this mineral, it draws it from bone tissue, leading to osteoporosis - the thinning of bones. This affects not only the bones in the hands and legs but also the spine. Therefore, it's important to ensure an adequate intake of calcium, which is found in dairy products, vegetables, grains, meat, and fish," explains the dietitian.
Fus adds that the health of bones and joints is also influenced by vitamin D, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin C, protein, and many other factors. To support joint health, a balanced intake of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins in one's diet is very important.
To have healthy joints, what should you eat
"I recommend incorporating foods rich in selenium and sulfur into your diet. Selenium is found in products such as Brazil nuts, fish (sardines, salmon, mackerel), garlic, eggs, chicken, turkey, beef liver, and more. Sulfur is present in foods that contain protein, including all types of meat and fish, legumes, grains, eggs, and dairy products. Nutrition should be balanced," emphasizes the expert.
Another important trace element is zinc. Its deficiency can lead to altered taste sensations, reduced and weakened T-cell immune system responses, and decreased lymph nodes, which means a weakened resistance to infectious diseases.
"The daily zinc requirement for adults is 10-12 mg, so it's advisable to include oats, wild rice, lentils, beef, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, and almonds in your diet," recommends Fus.
Vitamins C and D are also beneficial for strengthening joints. Kiwi, sauerkraut, berries, citrus fruits, and peppers are primary and readily available sources of vitamin C. Vitamin D can be obtained from cod liver, egg yolks, and oil. The primary source of vitamin D is sunlight.
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