Dietitian lists foods people shouldn't combine

To get the maximum benefit from your food and avoid health problems, it's important to know which foods you shouldn't eat together. Some combinations may even surprise you, shares dietitian Olga Malliani.
What you should know
According to the expert, there are general guidelines developed by experts in the field of dietetics. However, they do not take into account each person's individual intolerances. This includes genetic traits (lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivity), or when they do not consider the immune response to food.
Nonetheless, there are certain principles that, when followed, can help create a diet for more effective digestion and absorption. It's also important to consider the timing of food groups, which align with the biological rhythms of the digestive system.
The dietitian suggests that the digestion of animal proteins is much more effective in the evening and can even occur during sleep. Starchy foods or those containing sugar and fructose should be included in meals during the first half of the day (breakfast and lunch).
"Other foods, primarily rich in fiber and cellulose, are suitable at any time and in any combinations and are also suitable as side dishes," says the expert.
Foods that can and shouldn't be combined
The idea is that some combinations of foods can be beneficial for health when eaten together, while other foods should not be combined for digestive reasons. Different food combinations require various groups of enzymes for digestion.
For example, when milk enters the stomach, it usually curdles due to the action of acidic gastric juice. However, if there is other food in the stomach, the milk can envelop it and isolate it from the digestion process for a considerable amount of time.
As a result, the food doesn't get properly digested and can start to ferment. Sugar and confectionery products are best eliminated from the diet, as combining any food with sugar during its rapid absorption can lead to significant fermentation.
These processes create ideal conditions for the growth of Candida yeast, which is a primary cause of many human health problems.
An exception is natural honey, as it is absorbed much more slowly in the body than regular sugar. However, honey can also cause hypersensitivity in some people, of which they may not even be aware.
Legumes contain approximately 25% protein and 50% carbohydrates (starch), making them difficult to digest. Legumes represent a combination akin to "bread and meat," and each of its two components requires completely different digestion processes. It is advisable to be cautious with legumes and avoid combining them with meat, as this further complicates the digestion process.
This primarily applies to childhood dishes like "macaroni po-flotsky," where pasta made from non-durum wheat is used with ground beef.
The dietitian pointed out that everything a person eats enters the bloodstream in varying amounts, and this influences the condition of the immune system.
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