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Drone production in Russia: Ukraine's intelligence reports quantities

Drone production in Russia: Ukraine's intelligence reports quantities Photo: how many Shaheds Russia produces (defence-ua com)

At the moment, Russia can produce several dozen kamikaze drones a month. But these figures are far from the plans, said Andrii Yusov, representative of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine.

Large-scale assembly using foreign parts and a limited amount of domestic production continue in Russia, albeit on a small scale.

"The plans set and the results obtained differ. The aggressor state can currently produce several dozen Shahed analogs per month independently," he stated.

Additionally, according to intelligence reports, Russia is continuing to develop its drone production in Tatarstan, where the Russians are constructing a large facility.

"However, they have not yet achieved full capacity," Yusov asserted.

Production of Russian drones

In mid-August, the UK Ministry of Defense reported that Russia was highly likely using domestically made unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) based on Iranian Shahed technology. Additionally, CNN stated that Russia, with Iran's support, is constructing a drone factory on its land, which could exacerbate the conflict in Ukraine.