Demographer reveals projected population of Ukraine in 10 years

Over the next 10 years, Ukraine's population could reach approximately 30 million people. This number would allow the country to function and develop properly. However, it can only be achieved under certain conditions.
This forecast was given in an interview to RBС-Ukraine by demographer Oleksii Pozniak, a senior research fellow at the M.V. Ptukha Institute for Demography and Social Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
"Most likely, Ukraine's population will approach 30 million. This can be achieved if there is an effective migration policy. Then, it will be possible to stabilize more or less at this level," the scientist says.
According to Pozniak, this is a "more or less normal" scenario because 30 million is "not an overpopulation level; it's still a level where the territory's development can be maintained at a sufficient level."
"Moreover, some of the border territories with the aggressor state will still remain restless and sparsely populated," he adds.
Of course, says the demographer, some population needs to be maintained even in those regions in the east of the country. However, he notes: high population density in these territories can be simply dangerous for the residents.
"Accordingly, under these conditions, a population of 30 million will be sufficient to support settlement in all regions," the expert states.
Pozniak also mentions the minimum population that could become critical for the functioning of the state.
"I think 20 million. That would already be a fairly critical level," he expresses.