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Defense, security guarantees, and more: Zelenskyy on preparing a productive September

Defense, security guarantees, and more: Zelenskyy on preparing a productive September President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The international activity of Ukraine will be no less intensive than in these weeks, as the authorities have already started preparing a productive September, according to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"We have already started preparing a productive September for Ukraine. Our international activity will be no less intensive than in these weeks," the president wrote.


Ukraine is awaiting decisions from its partners on new defense packages for Ukrainian warriors. "Artillery, armored vehicles, air defense and missiles, as well as mine clearance equipment. Each partner is aware of our needs," Zelenskyy notes.

Security guarantees

The next rounds of negotiations and the accession of new countries to the common security architecture are coming soon.

"We are constantly adding content to the first Defense Industry Forum. Ukrainian content. International content. The free world needs more power to defend itself. Together we have this potential and we will demonstrate it," the president added.

According to Zelenskyy, Ukraine is also preparing for international events, including the UN General Assembly. The next Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen is a way to build up Ukraine's soft power. Global food security is a constant priority. There are several meetings on these issues this week.

"Recently, the United States adopted a new sanctions decision against Russian individuals and entities involved in the criminal deportation of Ukrainian children from our temporarily occupied territory. This is an important step. Ukraine is grateful for it. We are working on similar sanctions steps by our partners," noted Zelenskyy.

Deportation of children

"The deportation of children, a deliberate and systematic attempt to deprive them of any ties with their families, and an attempt to teach them to hate their country is a Russian genocidal policy that deserves equal condemnation by everyone in the world," the president wrote.

Zelenskyy expressed his gratitude to every state and all international institutions that are helping us restore justice.