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Defeat of Ukraine to lead to third world war - President of Latvia

Defeat of Ukraine to lead to third world war - President of Latvia President of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs (photo: GettyImages)

Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs believes that Ukraine's defeat in the war against Russia could lead to a third world war, according to Welt.

The Latvian leader thinks that if Russia sees that the West is not united and not providing sufficient support to Ukraine, then we should "start to really fear" further provocations from Russia, especially against NATO members.

"If Ukraine is unable to defend itself, if it loses, it will indeed open the path to a world war. If the aggressor is not stopped, the aggressor will go as far as it can," Levits stated.

He added that the best way to prevent a third world war is to help Ukraine with all our strength.

"We must provide Ukraine with everything it asks for. We must do everything necessary to strengthen Ukraine and its resilience," the President of Latvia emphasized.

Aid for Ukraine from Latvia

Latvia has been one of Ukraine's most active allies since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion. It provides both military and political support to Ukraine.

Recently, the former Minister of Defense of Latvia, Inara Murniece, stated that the country allocates more than 1% of its national GDP for humanitarian and military assistance to Ukraine.