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Day of Sun and provocations: Astrologer reveals what's forbidden on July 28

Day of Sun and provocations: Astrologer reveals what's forbidden on July 28 Astrological forecast for Sunday (photo:

Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovyova has provided a forecast for July 28. On this day, associated with the Sun, it's important to consider several key aspects.

In an exclusive for RBC-Ukraine, Solovyova shared what you should do on Sunday and what is better to avoid.

Main advice for July 28

The astrologer warns that this day will be unfavorable for starting new ventures, making important decisions, undergoing dental or surgical procedures, and visiting the hairdresser.

Consider these nuances:

  • Avoid sexual practices, expressions of anger, revenge, and negative emotions;
  • Check all events for temptations and do not succumb to provocations;
  • Do house cleaning;
  • Complete ongoing tasks;
  • Avoid sitting idle and do not be lazy.

"Possible manifestations of violence, attacks, robberies, and other offenses may occur. It is a stressful period. The danger lies in overestimating one's capabilities in critical situations. This is a day for self-sacrifice, patience, acceptance, and forgiveness," Solovyova emphasized.

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Horoscope for July 28 (Photo:

Astrological forecast for Sunday - Things to do

July 28 is the Day of the Sun. According to the astrologer, it corresponds to our inner "I," our consciousness, worldview, perception, understanding of the world, life force, energy, health, individuality, temperament, self-realization, sources of self-expression, and integrity.

"It's better not to amplify solar energy by wearing orange, golden, or yellow colors in clothing, using symbols of the sun (sunflower, lion), wearing gold jewelry, or overindulging in oranges," advises Solovyova.

"Due to the overall background of the day, it's better not to start new ventures related to the influence of the Sun: leisure with children, various entertainment and gambling activities, public performances and romantic adventures. However, you can attend concerts, shows, and performances," she added.