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Czechs, Poles not going to send soldiers to Ukraine

Czechs, Poles not going to send soldiers to Ukraine Photo: Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk (Getty Images)

Czechia and Poland are not considering the possibility of sending troops to Ukraine. The prime ministers of the two countries announced this after a meeting in Paris where the issue was discussed, reports Reuters.

French President Emmanuel Macron raised the issue of the possibility of European countries sending troops to Ukraine, saying that "nothing should be excluded."

Responding to questions about Macron's statement, Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala and his Polish counterpart Donald Tusk said at a press conference in Prague that this option was not being considered by their governments.

"I am convinced that we should develop the paths of support that we embarked on after Russia's aggression. I believe we do not need to open some other methods or ways," Fiala said, noting that currently, the main focus is on military aid, as well as humanitarian and economic support.

Tusk added: "Poland does not plan to send its troops to the territory of Ukraine."

A White House official told Reuters on February 26 that the US has no plans to send troops to combat in Ukraine, and that NATO also has no plans to send troops to combat in Ukraine.

Idea of ​​sending NATO soldiers to Ukraine

The meeting in Paris took place on February 26 at the initiative of French President Emmanuel Macron. Presidents, heads of government, and ministers of 28 countries discussed further support for Ukraine.

After the meeting, Macron did not rule out that NATO could deploy troops to help Ukraine, but there is still no consensus on this issue.