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Czech intelligence warns of threats from Russia, China, and Iran for Europe

Czech intelligence warns of threats from Russia, China, and Iran for Europe Photo: Czech intelligence considers Russia, China and Iran threats to Europe (Getty Images)

Czech intelligence is convinced that Russia, China, and Iran pose a threat to Europe's security. The intelligence also believes that the world is balancing on the edge of a global conflict, Michal Koudelka, head of the Czech Security and Information Service (BIS) stated in an interview with ČTK.

He noted that the world is boiling and dangerously moving towards the brink of a global confrontation.

Among the current threats to Europe, the head of Czech counterintelligence mentioned the threat from Russian imperialism, sabotage, and intelligence operations by Russia, China, and Iran.

According to him, the threats also include propaganda, migration, the threat of Islamic terrorism, the rise of right-wing extremism, illegal arms trafficking, cyberattacks, and the possible misuse of artificial intelligence.

Possibility of NATO-Russia war

Most NATO allies believe that a war between Russia and NATO countries is unlikely in the coming years. However, this possibility is not ruled out.

For instance, Estonia notes that Russia is already preparing for a new war. According to Estonian intelligence, a conflict could occur within the next 10 years and it is assumed that it could be a conflict between NATO and Russia.

Previously, the German defense minister suggested that Russia might attack NATO countries by 2029.