ua en ru

Cyber gift to Putin. Hackers paralyze operation of judicial system of Russia - Sources

Cyber gift to Putin. Hackers paralyze operation of judicial system of Russia - Sources Illustrative photo: hackers paralyzed the operation of the judicial system of the Russian Federation (Getty Images)

Cyber experts from Ukraine's Defense Intelligence (GUR), together with activists from the "BO Team" group, "celebrated" Russian President Vladimir Putin's birthday on October 7 by hacking the state automated system Pravosudie (Justice). This system manages electronic document circulation in all Russian courts, according to sources in the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine's Ministry of Defense.

According to sources, the attack crippled the operation of courts, departmental email systems, and official websites. As a result of the cyber strike, personal data of users and internal system documentation were obtained.

Currently, Russians are reporting the inability to file lawsuits or view court hearing schedules, as the court websites have been taken down.

Sources indicate that the cyberattack was made possible due to the low qualifications of Russian cybersecurity specialists, as well as "holes" in the highly publicized Russian cybersecurity systems from Kaspersky Lab, Positive Technologies, and IVK.

It is worth noting that the Pravosudie system is the electronic document management system for all Russian courts across all jurisdictions and levels. It is used for filing legal claims, informing about court appointments and schedule changes, and providing consultations on court cases.

Today Ukrainian hackers delivered another "gift" to Russian President Vladimir Putin on his birthday by launching a massive attack on the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Cyber specialists disrupted the online broadcasts of the Russia 1 and Russia 24 television channels.