Crocus - Moscow tells about chips in heads of terrorists

On the air of the First Channel of Russian federal television, a version was voiced that chips may have been inserted into the brains of the attackers at the Crocus City Hall in the Moscow region, according to Radio Svoboda.
"These perpetrators... Their consciousness was disabled. Most likely, psychotropic substances, neuro-psychological programming, and possibly, as the examination may show, chips were inserted, because now neurobiology allows control over a person," said former head of the Russian Interpol bureau, retired police major general Vladymyr Ovchynskyi.
As an example, he cited Elon Musk's project, where pigs are turned into humans.
Moreover, the host of the talk show, as reported by Russian media, noted that random people never come on air to him, always with serious expertise and reputation.
Elon Musk's project
Neuralink Corp is indeed developing a brain implant, but not to control consciousness; rather, it aims to help people suffering from neurological disorders to walk, control computers without using their hands, and so on. The chip is implanted in the area of the brain that controls the intention to move. After the chip is installed, it should record and transmit brain signals to an app that deciphers the intention to move.
In January 2024, Neuralink installed a chip in a human brain for the first time.
Earlier, Musk's company demonstrated the results of implanting Neuralink in the brains of test animals such as pigs and monkeys. In pigs, the chip-controlled nerves are responsible for leg movements and snout sensitivity. For monkeys, it allowed them to play video games with the power of thought.
Consciousness is a more complex phenomenon that science has not yet fully understood. However, it is known that it is not localized in any specific one or few areas of the brain.
In the US, there is an investigation into the deaths of at least 1,500 animals during Neuralink trials.