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Counteroffensive: Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed myth of the 'second army in the world'

Counteroffensive: Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed myth of the 'second army in the world' Mykhailo Podolyak, an Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

Mykhailo Podolyak, an Advisor to the Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, revealed that during the war, the Armed Forces of Ukraine shattered the myth of the "second army in the world." In the future, the Russian Federation will cease to exist as a military threat.

"When someone ponders about the Ukrainian counterattack, its speed, directions, and effectiveness, provides advice, or confidently states that something is 'not going according to plan,' the main thing to remember is that just yesterday (before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine), the Russian army was seriously referred to as the 'second army in the world.' People were terrified of it and couldn't even imagine that it could be effectively fought against," Podolyak writes.

To dispel another myth, as noted by the advisor to the Head of the Presidential Office, it is essential today to be patient and closely monitor the quality work of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, which our soldiers will surely bring to a fair conclusion.

"After the war in Ukraine, Russia will cease to exist as a military threat, at least for Ukraine and Europe. Meanwhile, offensive operations are ongoing," Podolyak adds.

Frontline situation

The General Staff of the Armed Forces reported that Ukrainian military forces had eliminated 820 occupants. Since the start of the full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory, the country responsible for the aggression has lost 251,620 personnel.

Specifically, the Institute for the Study of War noted that our soldiers are conducting offensive actions in the Melitopol and Berdiansk directions. Russians complain about the attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces with armored vehicles and tank support near Robotyne.